If you are contemplating buying and investing in property then Now is the best time to do it because interest rates are the lowest it’s been for the past 35 years. And property prices in most areas are coming out of the bottom of the property cycle and rising. Take advantage of these opportunities to improve your personal and financial position. The first step in the process is to find out how much you can borrow. Our selected panel of financial consultants will advise you.

Whichever credit category you are in, change your life and your family’s financial future for the better starting now – apply now or contact us today to arrange a free, no obligation private consultation to determine your requirements and assess your circumstances.

Credit histories – Can you get a home loan? 

Credit is good?

If you have good credit history and a reasonable income or better why wait? Buy property now while prices are most affordable. Find out how much you can borrow as you may surprise yourself. Take advantage of the low priced property market before prices really start to take off which is not too far away. Action Now is advised.

Credit not so good?

If you have a minor blemish on your credit history that you would rather forget, or have little or No Deposit and you no longer qualify for the First Home Owners Grant, then talk with us. If you think buying your own home and escaping the rent trap is an impossible dream?  Don’t give up just yet!

We may be able to help you in various ways. SmartWay homes could get your Great Australian Dream with the 100% funding package that’s on offer. There are no smoke and mirrors, no crazy interest rates, no inflation of building or land costs, just simply a fantastic opportunity for you to secure your very own New House and Land Package. Contact us today.

Credit bad?

Even if you have a really bad credit history we can still get you into your new home now but ownership of Title may take a little longer. It allows you to live in the home you want to buy now and not pay rent to benefit someone else but indirectly to yourself! This rent to buy scenario locks in the purchase price as mutually agreed between you and the Seller. It gives you time to repair and strengthen your credit file back into positive mode to be able to borrow in the future to further acquire A class assets – solid investments such as property.

History shows that property prices double every 7 – 10 years. Can you afford not to be involved?

Why rent when you can buy!

Whichever category you are in we most likely can help. Call today to find out.